Practice Prompt: Storytelling
Storytelling can be the gateway to somatic tracking or awareness.
Humans are storytellers. It’s one of the primary ways we connect with one another. Our stories may consist of different content or may be transmitted through different means like an account of specific events or a metaphor about what it was like to be there, or a drawing or a gesture… or we might not share anything at all, which is a story in and of itself.
When a client tells me a story about their day or maybe even about last week or ten years ago, I know that they’re really sharing something about what it’s like to be them in the moment we share together.
Sometimes I’ll ask them to notice how this might be true by saying something like, “What are you noticing about your body now as you share with me?” Other times, there’s no need to go any deeper. It’s clear to both of us the feeling that their story is meant to convey.
Here’s a practice prompt: The next time you’re sharing a story with someone, notice your body as you share. If that’s too big, notice something specific like, What is your breath or heart rate like as you talk? No need to change anything or make any judgements–just notice.